Create a Healthy Small Group System in Your Church

This 8 part video course is for everyone, whether you're a pastor, leader or member, you will gain insight, tips, best practices and wisdom to successful run healthy and thriving small groups in your context. Learn from our Dinner Party model that has a deep history of 10 years of pioneering, multiplying and launching across 3 global cities.


Who is this course for?

Our training helps you wherever you're at in the journey.



You don't have small groups.

Maybe you are just now planting a church or in the beginning season of your church launching and you are looking to start a small group model in your context. This is for you.



You have small groups but want to change.

Maybe you have launched a small groups model in your church and haven't seen growth or health from it and want to improve your current system, or you are looking to start a Dinner Party model in your context. This is for you.



You have small groups but want to grow.

Maybe you have healthy and thriving groups already in your church and you as a pastor or leader just want to sharpen your skills and grow in impacting your community. This is for you.

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8 Track Video Course

2+ hours of self-paced video training along with downloadable guides and resources to equip your team and leaders

The momentum of the individuals in your church is tied to your small group system.

So small groups matter. It’s like taking a microscope and looking over a cell, you can see the health of the whole body based on one singular cell. We want to help build each cell to be healthy and thriving, therefore the body will grow in strength.

Interested in a Small Group Intensive for your church or team?

We would love to help! Josh runs live teaching courses for conferences, meetings, gatherings, whatever your need is we can help cater a specific teaching for your community.  Fill out the form and we will be in touch.Â