Interested in propelling your leadership?

Our one-on-one coaching program with Josh Kelsey partners with you or your teams to grow in leadership, improve culture, gain insight, and develop strategy to maximize impact and health. This tailored journey will inspire and bring insight as you take the next steps to multiplying the impact of your leadership and organization. 

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Let's Build Together

Join our coaching network to generate impact in your personal leadership and church. We help new and established churches go to the next level of growth, health and impact.

Personal Development

  •  Leadership & Pastoring 
  •  Emotional Health 
  •  Crisis Management 


  • Strategic Planning and Activation 
  • Small Groups 
  • Finance & Budgeting Strategy 
  • Wages, Staffing, Governance and Board Insight

Creative Development

  • Message Consulting  
  • Branding and Design Strategy 
  • Content Marketing 

Let's Connect

We recognize that each church and leader is uniquely different so we have tailored our coaching program to create a personalized strategy aligned with your specific needs and goals. To receive your individualized coaching plan, fill out the form below and our team will be in touch to schedule a call. 

*Please note, since every plan is customized cost varies

Schedule a Call

What's the Benefit?

Outside Perspective

Ministry involves your entire being - it’s your entire spiritual, professional, and social world. Because of this, it can be extremely difficult to avoid getting caught in the reeds of your daily routine. Utilizing the perspective of an objective third party can help you find your place in this world.

Specific Guidance for Your Season 

Every pastor is different and every church is different. We aren’t here to have all the answers, but our heart is to help you specifically in the season you’re in. Through one-on-one sessions together, learning the stage of your church and community and where you are at as a leader, we will help tailor goals and strategies for growth and health in your church. 

Navigating Tough Situations

Working in ministry requires you to have difficult conversations and face challenges. Sometimes you may need to let go of a staff member or talk through the loss of a member with the congregation. Our heart is to help lead you in the right direction in having those difficult conversations and working through solutions in an effective and thoughtful way.

Encouragement and Support

Every leader needs someone in their corner, someone to celebrate wins in the good season and sit and encourage through the tough seasons. Our heart is to remind you of your why and help point you to Jesus through all the life moments of ministry. The goal is to ensure longevity in your leadership, where burnout is not the result of the life you are living, but rather a healthy, sustainable balance that we aim to encourage, support, and uplift.

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